Are you a dog owner with time on your paws? Then take the short train or bus ride from Exeter to Topsham, the historic estuary town on the River Exe. 

The pretty historic streets make for a perfect walk that’s stimulating for everyone on two legs and four while almost all the pubs and cafes - and there are lots of them - are enthusiastically dog-friendly. Owners can buy fresh fish and artisan cheeses or tuck in to a cream tea or fish and chips while furry friends enjoy their own retail therapy at two pet shops: anyone for a salmon and turmeric dog chew?

To work off those excesses take your canine for a swim in the Exe from the recreation ground or the historic Goat Walk - and at the latter there’s even a dedicated dog-friendly field for walking and running. If the tail is still wagging then try the gorgeous circular walk around Topsham that includes the scenic Bowling Green Marsh Nature Reserve and takes you back into town for a coffee or a pint.

So grab the lead, come on down - the dog days are here in Topsham!


Bowling Green Marsh
Country Park/Nature Reserve
Bowling Green Marsh (c) RSPB

Managed by the RSPB, Bowling Green Marsh nature reserve is an area of coastal grazing marsh alongside the River Exe Estuary, on the outskirts of Topsham.

River Exe Estuary
River Exe & estuary

The Exe Estuary is of international importance for wintering waders and wildfowl, supporting 1000s of birds. One of the best opportunities to view the wildlife of the estuary is at the the RSPB's two nature reserves.


A fascinating and quaint historic estuary port, Topsham has some fine architecture. There are Dutch traders’ houses and fine examples of buildings from Georgian and Edwardian times.



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