Win a City Break - Visit Exeter Visitor Survey

Visit Exeter Visitor Survey 2021

Fields marked with a * are mandatory
1. Typically, how many overnight trips do you take in the UK each year?
2. What is the main purpose of these visits?
Please select all relevant answers
3. What are the most important features you look for when considering a destination to visit for a short break in the UK?
Please select all relevant answers
4. Have you previously visited Exeter?
If no, please go to Q. 10
5. If yes, what was the purpose of the visit?
Please select all relevant answers
6. How did you travel to Exeter?
7. What did you like the most about the city?
Please select all relevant answers
  1 2 3 4 5
10. In future, how likely would you be to consider Exeter for a short break? 1 = Least likely; 5 = Most likely
11. How are you most likely to visit Exeter?
12. Which of the following key words would you associate with Exeter?
  1 2 3 4 5
13. How safe do you feel in travelling to new places at this time? 1 = Very unsafe; 5 = Very safe
14. What are the most important factors you consider when making a judgement about a destination post-Covid?
Please select all relevant answers
15. Which platform(s) do you rely on for information when researching a trip?
Please select all relevant answers
16. Which platform are you most likely to use to make a booking?
Please select all relevant answers
17. What services do you usually use when in a destination, to find places to go and things to do?
Please select all relevant answers

22. What is your ethnic group?
Please choose one option that best describes your ethnic group or background
Your data will be stored in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation.
Full policy information can be found here.

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